Limb Loss Awareness Month

The Amputee Coalition is providing awareness activities for the month of April to celebrate Limb Loss Awareness Month.

A message from the Amputee Coalition:

"Before we get to our awareness and celebratory activities for the month of April, we want to acknowledge that we are living in uncertain times right now.  COVID-19 has caused most of us to hunker down, stay at home, and maintain physical distance to stay safe.  We do not know how long this is going to last so, here at the Amputee Coalition, we are going to Be Strong and make the best of it by finding ways to connect and support one another… particularly those living with limb loss and limb difference.

Since April is Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month (LLAM), we want to spend time this month raising awareness about what it is like to live with limb loss and limb difference, for individuals and families.  We will provide ways to educate and connect communities, empower individuals and families living with limb loss and limb difference to be a voice, and further the mission of the Amputee Coalition.

We will be adding new tools and resources to this Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month webpage often.  Some of the in-person community events and activities we would normally promote in April are being altered as a result of our country’s new precautions against COVID-19. We are thinking creatively, and we hope you will too, to recognize and celebrate #LLAM and #LimbLossAwareness engagement while keeping our community members safe. So, please check back with us regularly as we will have new opportunities popping up on this page all month long."

Know your facts about Limb Loss in the U.S.A.:

Show Your Mettle Day

This year, Show Your Mettle Day will be on Saturday, April 25th, 2020. We hope that all amputees will proudly wear and show their prosthetic devices on this day. The concept is simple – to show your “mettle,” the ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way, by showing your “metal” prosthetic device or wheelchair.

Please visit the Amputee Coalition website for more information on how you can be involved in spreading Limb Loss Awareness: 

#LLAM  #LimbLossAwareness

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