
Blade Runner
July 17th 2023
We are proud to share that our very own Jake Jackovich completed the Canal Run half marathon on 07/15/2023.
Jake has been a right below knee amputee since 1967. At the age of 65, Jake received his first running prosthesis and has not slowed down since!
Jake has been competing…

Giving Pumpkin a Second Chance
November 4th 2022
Pumpkin the goat takes first steps with prosthetic leg | WJMN -
We were contacted by Naomi and family from Dead River Farm about a goat who was surrendered to UPAWS with a mobility constraint. It appeared that she had an old injury to her front leg that resulted…

April is Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month
April 1st 2022
The following information was created by the Amputee Coalition at [April is Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month (]:
“Your Ordinary is Extraordinary”
Join the Amputee Coalition in celebration of Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month (LLLDAM), April 1-30, 2022. Themed, “Your Ordinary is Extraordinary,” LLLDAM spotlights the…

The Need and Benefit of Foot Orthotics
August 3rd 2021
Maintaining an active lifestyle is important to staying healthy, but one ting that can stand in your way is foot pain. Many people are able to manage this pain with a new pair of shoes but for some, shoes are not enough. This is where custom foot orthotics may be…

April is Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month!
April 1st 2021
The month of April is special to us because it is Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month. During this month, we strive to honor our community and educate others about what it is like to live with a limb loss or limb difference.
As Prosthetists, we try our best…

Spread Goodness Day
March 12th 2021
As soon as the Staff at Northern Orthotics and Prosthetics heard Anna Dravland's story of how she created Spread Goodness Day, we knew it was a cause we wanted to participate in.
What is Spread Goodness Day?
For those of you who have not heard of Spread Goodness Day, please…

Labor Day
September 7th 2020
Labor Day is a special day for our staff. Northern Orthotics and Prosthetics was originally founded 41 years ago by Tom Penfold in Baraga. On Labor Day in 2012, Jay and Robin Roy purchased the company and achieved their dream of owning their own Orthotics and Prosthetics business.
Robin has…

Happy Fourth Of July!
July 1st 2020
Our offices are closed on Friday July 3rd, 2020. We will resume normal business hours on Monday July 6th. Have a safe and happy Fourth of July!
Continued Update COVID-19 Precautions
May 15th 2020
Our offices in Marquette, Escanaba, and Baraga continue to be open for business providing orthotic and prosthetic care. If you would like to make an appointment in Iron Mountain, Crystal Falls, or Marinette, please contact our office to determine availability.
As always, safety is our highest priority. We plan to…
Show your Mettle!
April 25th 2020
Show Your Mettle Day is TODAY Saturday, April 25th, 2020. We hope that all amputees will proudly wear and show their prosthetic devices on this day. The concept is simple – to show your “mettle,” the ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a…